Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

General Information

The aim of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is to train knowledgeable, contemporary, ethical, creative, human rights-respecting, lifelong learning, teaching and communication skills, professional and scientifically competent physiotherapists and scientists, to make the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation more effective in the development of public health and welfare, to conduct multidisciplinary studies, to offer physiotherapy-rehabilitation services, evidence-based science and advanced technology for the benefit of the public, to contribute to meeting the need for professional scientists and professionals who respect universal and cultural values ​​in Turkey and the TRNC.

The fact that physiotherapy can develop according to the changing needs of the society, the increase in the expectation of quality of life, and the understanding of the importance of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in the society cause the demand and interest in the physiotherapist profession to increase every day in Turkey.

In parallel with the increasing health problems of the society that require physiotherapy and rehabilitation, the need for physiotherapists to be employed in this field in the world and in Turkey is increasing day by day. The education period of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department is 4 years.

During this period, many theoretical and practical information will be transferred to the students within the scope of the curriculum prepared according to accreditation.

Job Opportunities

After graduation, students receive the title of physiotherapist. Physiotherapists can work independently, as well as in public and private patient homes, physical therapy and rehabilitation centers, special education and rehabilitation centers, elderly care and rehabilitation centers, health centers, thermal spas and cure centers, sports clubs, and institutions that provide services for chronic diseases. They can also complete their postgraduate and doctoral education and pursue an academic career as a teaching staff.

Academic Staff

Title Name SurnameDutyE-mail Address
PROF. DR. LEVENT SARIKCIOĞLU [email protected]
ÖĞR. GÖR. HAVVA GÖZGEN[email protected]
ÖĞR. GÖR. HASAN CELLATOĞLU [email protected]
ÖĞR. GÖR. SEDA ERDOĞAN [email protected]
ARŞ. GÖR. NERGİZ KONAÇ [email protected]