General Information
The Master of Education Program in Educational Administration is designed to ensure that candidates who want to pursue postgraduate education are trained as qualified experts in the field of Educational Administration and to increase their professional competence. In the Master of Education with Thesis program, a total of 120 ECTS credits must be completed, 60 ECTS courses and 60 ECTS thesis. Accordingly, the Master of Education with Thesis program in Educational Administration consists of 8 courses, 1 seminar and thesis study. In order to be considered successful in a course, the graduate student must receive at least a CC grade from that course as a semester grade. Students must attend at least 70% of the theoretical courses and attend at least 80% of the practical courses. The Master of Education without Thesis Total consists of at least ten courses and a term project course, with a minimum of 30 local credits and 90 ECTS.
Job Opportunities
Students who graduate from the program gain the title of Education Management Specialist. In addition, after gaining the necessary knowledge and skills, they can work as education specialists in the units of the Ministry of National Education. They can also work as administrators in schools. In addition, they can start doctoral education in the same program or in other programs if the conditions are suitable and work in academic positions at universities. It is also an ideal training program for teachers who want to improve themselves in school management.